In order to participate in experiments at TU Delft and the IBEX laboratory, you must register in our database using the lab's online recruitment system. Part of this registration process involves acknowledging the following basic rules of conduct:
The IBEX Laboratory of Delft University of Technology and Subjectpool@TUDelft are bound by the Nederlandse Gedragscode Wetenschappelijk Integriteit (EN: Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity)..
IBEX and Subjectpool@TUDelft's research-ethics responsibilities include the proper safeguarding of potentially sensitive data collected during an experiment. We take the following steps to meet its confidentiality requirements:
As a human-subject participant at IBEX or recruited via TUDelft Subjectpool, it is your right to lodge a complaint if you believe that sensitive information about you collected during an experiment has not actually been kept confidential. Such complaints can be delivered to the the IBEX administrators, or the Human Research Ethics Committee that provided the HREC permissions for the research project.
For questions please contact